JS Western is a team of experienced commercial real estate operators focused on building genuine relationships one success at a time.

We strongly believe in teamwork. With each new deal, we curate the right group of partners who have mastered the fundamentals and leverage creativity to unlock un-realized potential.
- $389M1Assets Acquired
- 31.6%2Average IRR
- 1.93x2Average MOIC
1 Approximate, based on gross acquisition price
2 MOIC = Multiple on Invested Equity. Un-audited. Includes deals that Scott Tiano served as sole or co general partner and was involved in varying capacities. Prior performance is not indicative of future results. Potential investors should consult a professional prior to investing.
Knowledge is growth.
We value information and making informed investments. Our strategic partners provide insights into trends and marketing opportunities. The result has been a positive track record and above average portfolio performance.
Portfolio Value
3 Gross purchase price of unrealized assets, plus gross sales price of realized assets.

with us.
Our mission is to build a resilient portfolio that outpaces the market.